Randy Bias’ Cloudscaling blog has a must read for anyone interested in Cloud Computing: The ‘Cloud’ Is NOT Outsourcing. Check it out.
Tag: reads
Tuesday Reads
Two worthwhile reads for your Tuesday: How to Network With Busy People because the people you want to be networking with are busy. How marketers build relationships in the CPG (Consumer Packed Goods) space, but it is applicable to just about any CRM relationship. Readers and Leaders.
Solid read on porting your iPhone App to Windows Mobile
With all the furor of the Google Voice iPhone app situation going on. I have had a few conversations about people wanting to port iPhone apps to other platforms mainly, Android and Windows Mobile. Going cross-carrier and platform seems to be the goal. Easier said than done especially depending on…
Solid Read on Cloud & Chaos
Forbes has had some great coverage of the Black Hat cybersecurity conference. Here is an interesting read on little known issue with virtualization. Check out Why Cloud Computing Needs More Chaos Have a great weekend.
Solid read on Sales Enablement
I have been known to use the phrase, “Lipstick on a pig.” So this blog post on Sales Enablement below got my attention. Check it out: Is Sales Enablement just Lipstick on a Knowledge Management Pig?
Know your customer…
This great example of “Know your customer” was just sent to me. Check Most expensive javascript ever? at Hallvord R. M. Steen’s blog. Hallvord is on the Opera Core Quality Assurance team. It is pretty hard to make a simple mistake as big as this. Millions in lost revenue. Happy…
WSJ: Techdom’s Two Cold Wars
Great read by Holman Jenkins, Jr. in the WSJ Opinion Page discussing the recent Google OS and Office Live announcements. Check Techdom’s Two Cold Wars at the WSJ.
7 Great Interview Questions
A key to get the job is to ask great questions. Check this well written article: Seven Great Questions to Ask at a Job Interview. Have questions. Get answers.
Cloud Office on Monday?
via TechCrunch: Why Chrome OS Now? Because Microsoft Office In The Cloud Comes Monday. I have played around with the limited functionality of Office Live. It is good, not great, and about what I would expect from a beta. I had some formatting issues with some documents. Nothing major. Hopefully…
Amazon Killing Mobile Apps…
Most mobile applications are content based. Personally, I would like to see less content specific applications and more applications that solve existing problems (i.e. cross-platform, carrier) with mobile devices. Having researched the space, I understand why most developers choose to go with a content based application. Application development is not…