Kilogear ( is an interesting fitness startup. I have been using their gear after a chance meeting with the founders. I immediately understood the concept of microloading thanks to course work through USATF. Simply, Kilogear works. My first ruck with Kilogear was 5.5 lbs. heavier than my normal rucks and…
CEO Wisdom Podcast with Charles Cormier
Thank you Charles. I enjoyed our conversation.
Thoughts for 2025
Angel and Pre-Seed investing has been growing and will continue to grow. Competition for dollars will continue to be a challenge, especially for first time founders. The team for young companies is paramount. They need to understand the problem that started the company and have tremendous synergy with each other….
Startup Due Diligence Legal Issues
Below is a fairly comprehensive list of what I look for when I am doing due diligence on a potential startup investment. Choice of Entity Capitalization Intellectual Property Employment Matters Compliance
Expanding financial assistance for living Negro League players
Since May, there has been a flurry of news regarding the Negro Leagues inclusion into Major League Baseball. The Negro Leagues persisted independently in response to common societal segregation and racism. Rube Foster, founder of the Negro National League, captured this entrepreneurial spirit with the leagues’ slogan, “We Are the…
Startup Investing for Student Entrepreneurs
Startup Investing for Student Entrepreneurs I have been fortunate to work with student-led startups recently. A common theme in their questions is how to raise money and the structures that these startups should consider. The outside investment process is specifically, no founder, no friends and family money. People who do…
Conquering Heroes
Congratulations to the 2023 Michigan Wolverines! This season has been tremendous. Really happy I had a chance to see a game at the Big House and the Rose Bowl this season. This victory was a true team effort. It starts at the top. Coach Harbaugh embodies the Michigan Man (See…
Godspeed Steve Kopcha
Saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Kopcha, a fraternity brother from University of Michigan. Kind, thoughtful and intelligent are words that normally do not define a young fraternity man, but that was Steve. My fondest memory of him comes from an intramural slow pitch softball game. Steve had…
Angel Investing Year in Review
As 2023 comes to a close, here is my take on the angel investing landscape. Overall, 2023 saw a chill on investments and deal flow due largely to the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in March. For startups on the West Coast, SVB was the go-to bank especially those…
“Grease the groove”
A re-post from 2009 but still true today. I have noticed a common thread in some distinct readings. This common thread relates to positive habits and how to build them. Fitness, personal or professional habits can be shaped if you, “Grease the groove.” Russian Kettlebell guru, Pavel Tsatouline coined the…